I generally have a decent willpower when it comes to running. I do have a breaking point though. You know, those days where the universe seems to be saying, "Oh, you wanted to do WHAT today? Well, here -- deal with THIS instead.." and your light fixture starts leaking water and the basement ceiling starts sagging in an ominous "I'm about to collapse" kind of way. THOSE days.. What? You don't have those? That was my Wednesday last week. I ran Thursday, and had every intention of making up miles on Friday but woke up with a sore throat/fever and decided to stay home. It really is true what they say about the hardest distance of a run being the distance from your house to the starting line (wherever that may be -- gym, sidewalk, track, etc.).
In light of my lack of running week, I call a do-over this week. I'm just going to apply last week's running schedule to this week and suck it up. I'll be a week behind Miss Rockstar Runner (aka Corlet), but I can deal with that. I guess.. I may try to add distance to this week and next week and try to catch up that way, but I'm not going to hold myself to it. If I get my butt to the gym and run any distance at all, it's more than I would accomplish by sitting on said butt at home. I'm not going to put extra pressure on myself because lately all that does is overwhelm me and I end up doing nothing at all.
I am also going to try to embrace the morning. I am SO not a morning person. Which may seem odd when I am up every day by 7 (at the latest). That is not by choice. That is because my 3 year old has inherited her father's sickening love of early mornings and that is the absolute latest she will sleep. I am going to try to get my run done first thing in the morning (as soon as the gym daycare opens) to get it out of the way. Don't get me wrong, I love my run. I just feel so much better all day when I don't have unfinished miles hanging over my head. I'm not a morning person by nature, but having to get up so early makes it hard for me to find the motivation late in the afternoon. Also, I like to take my shower AFTER my run. This way I won't 1. Sit around my house unshowered all day, or 2. Waste water by taking two showers every day.
I'm interested to hear how others motivate themselves to get going. If you've got any "tricks" you'd like to share, please feel free to share!
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